INTL FCStone, a global financial services organization, released a report titled “Honduras - The Great Coffee Comeback” in July. The report share details about the ongoing recovery from roya in Honduras, noting that, “the latest USDA data shows area planted in 2016-2017 is expected to rise to 325,000 hectares, up from 310,000 hectares in 2015-2016 and 293,000 hectares in 2014-2015.”
Such land expansion could lead to increases in production based on data collected by the Honduras Association of Coffee Exporters. One estimate by that association included in the report supposes, based on that information, a production of 8 million bags in the next five years “seems feasible” given the 6.1 million bags estimate for 2016-17 crop.
"Incredible demand for the product and the development of disease resistant trees incented the country's coffee growers to double down and Honduras again ranks first in Central America, third in Latin America, and sixth globally in coffee exports by volume," said Alexis Rubinstein, senior editor with INTL FCStone Financial Inc.
Learn More: http://ir.intlfcstone.com/releasedetail.cfm?ReleaseID=980337