33 Books Co., creator of the 33 Cups of Coffee coffee-tasting journal, recently released its new log for home and small professional roasters, 33 Roasts.
“This new roasting log fills the gap between farmer and barista and provides an understanding of how roasting beans affects the flavors expressed in brewed coffee”, said Dave Selden, owner of 33 Books Co., and creator of the roast log. “I think roasters and drinkers alike will benefit by learning more about roasting’s role in the coffee process.”
The new roasting logs measure at 5 inches wide and 7 inches high and provide space for roasters to record 33 different roast profiles for later reference.
There are spaces on each page to note key moments in each roasting process, from time and temperature of first crack to finish, and minute-by-minute changes along the way.
The roast logs are available now for $7 each at 33Books.com, and roasters can request volume pricing by e-mailing orders@33books.com.