Retail coffee in the United States continued to grow in 2018 topping out at $87 billion in sales, according to a new report issued in November by the Specialty Coffee Association.
The “US Coffee market Overview 2018” report shows that most coffee purchases occurred away from the home with almost $74 billion of total sales dominating the retail market. Coffeehouses led those sales ($26.3 billion) and, not surprisingly, Starbuck accounted for almost half of all coffeehouse transactions.
Coffee sold for consumption at home totaled $14 billion, according to the report. Ground coffee, including pods, accounted for $5.4 billion of that segment. The report breaks down in-home use by ground, whole bean and instant categories as well as by company and brands.
“A large-scale understanding of the coffee marketplace is essential to grasping a big-picture overview of the coffee industry, which helps inform anyone in the coffee community. We hope this publication will support better decision-making, analysis, and understanding among coffee people and observers of the coffee industry alike,” said Peter Giuliano, executive director of the Coffee Science Foundation and the SCA’s Chief Research Officer.
Learn more about the report on the SCA website.