First Oolong Factory
Brown & Co. builds first oolong factory.
Sri Lanka
The Waldemar orthodox tea factory in Udapussellawa, owned by Finlay Tea Estates, has been converted by Browns & Co., Plc to an oolong factory. Previously, the factory manufactured only black teas but Finlay decided to change it to a green and oolong tea processing unit since these types of tea are in high demand and fetch high prices. The climate in this high altitude growing area is ideal for the production of flavory, aromatic oolongs which are becoming more and more popular amongst the consuming public.
Loft space in the factory, previously required for the withering of the tea leaves over long periods, has been modified to release space for other activities, and structural alterations have made the internal workings of the factory more efficient. Finlay representatives were sent to Taiwan to learn how to make oolongs and experts from Taiwan were brought into Waldemar to train factory personnel.
High quality machinery for processing oolong teas has been imported from Taiwan and China. The Plantation Support Service division of Browns, who have worked on three other projects to convert tea factories in Si Lanka, drew up the plans and was also responsible for sourcing, importing and installing the machinery.