The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) took action to protect consumers against pure, powdered caffeine. According to a press release issued by the agency, the five warning letters issued to five distributors in meant “…help prevent additional deaths from the use of pure powdered caffeine, potentially dangerous products that have already resulted in the known deaths of two teenagers.”
The FDA has previously issued Consumer Advice in English and Spanish, which warned consumers directly that the purity of caffeine in powder is “… roughly equivalent to the amount in 25 cups of coffee.”
The National Coffee Association of USA has informed its member of how the organization is following developments related to the FDA’s wider examination of overall caffeine intake among American consumers. In addition to meeting with FDA officials in Washington, NCA has submitted a technical white paper on coffee and caffeine to the agency.
Learn more: http://www.fda.gov/Food/NewsEvents/ConstituentUpdates/ucm460097.htm