Lipton Tea Brand Breakup; Unilever Brand Divestiture



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Please please please tell that someone will continue to make powdered, granulated instant tea! Trying to come off sodas and cannot tolerate artificial sweeteners nor LEMON flavoring nor other artificial fruit flavorings in my drink. Please tell me someone will continue to make regular black tea in a portable and instant form!!!

K. Manring more than 1 year ago

Lipton unsweetened Keurig pods.

I am horrified at the thought of my everyday favorite may be unavailable. Before I run out I have always bought 3 boxes because it was so often empty shelf at the store . Now there is one box of Lipton decaf family size the whole store. The only other store in town doesn’t carry it. Horrified isn’t a strong enough word. There is no substitute that I will look forward to having. Nice kill Unilever.

Dreama more than 1 year ago

Lipton Decaf

Has anyone been able to find the decaf tea bags? I have been to 3 Walmarts and no one has carried it wks! Is this a Walmart or Lipton thing

Need Te more than 1 year ago

Lipton loose leaf tea

I can’t find a replacement for Lipton loose leaf. Tea bags just don’t taste the same as proper teapot tea. Please bring my tea back!!

Christina Wales more than 1 year ago

Lipton Black tes now taste like a second or third grade tea

Yes, bring back the tea that was there for us for well over 70 years .

Frankie Stone Texas more than 1 year ago

Lipton lose leaf tea

All of my family drinks this tea and have been drinking this tea for generations. My grandfather used to work with R. J. Lipton, he would be appalled at this ! Everyone in our family's are going through withdrawals , we really need our lose leaf tea in a box !!!!

William Gillean 229 days ago

Lipton black tea no longer tastes like Lipton's

We still have the loose Lipton black tea in stores but it has tasted very different for about 6 months now. It is terrible.

Frankie Stone Texas more than 1 year ago

Why can’t I find bottled Lipton Peach Tea?

I have been unable to find bottled Lipton Peach Tea all summer. Now the store ads show Lipton Georgia Peach Tea but it is never on the shelves either.

Merry more than 1 year ago

White tea raspberry

Why did u get rid of Lipton white tea raspberry. It is my favorite. It is always sold out at the stores where I live. It's the only one that sells out. I haven't found a comperable one. Please bring it back.

Dixie more than 2 years ago

Unsweetened Tea

Bring back my unsweetened tea. If sales are declining why was my store sold out so often?

Julie more than 2 years ago

Unsweetened Tea

I agree with Julie. I go to many stores and they were always sold out. Even when prices went up many times. All we want is an answer to what we like

Leona more than 1 year ago

Why are these companies changing formulas trying to ruin my life

Bring back my tea

Karena more than 2 years ago

White tea

Thank you Karen I feel the same. I want my white tea

Jose Palmer more than 2 years ago

Team leader..Brand developer

Good idea for increase to sale tea....i want to join Lipton Pakistan

Waqas butt more than 3 years ago

Black tea


I've seen this comment, or something like it, a lot: "Still, sales of traditional black tea, the largest segment of the category, have been in decline in developed markets for several years due to changing consumer preferences, according to the company."

I think it deserves further scrutiny. All the evidence shows that GOOD QUALITY black tea is selling very well indeed, but consumers are drifting away from the market as a whole. Perhaps a closer look is needed at product quality itself? Have brands over-reached themselves in their quest for cost savings at the expense of product quality and consumer experience? Evidence over 20+ years suggests "yes"! There is considerable growth in black tea - but at the good/premium end of the market. Ask Taylors of Harrogate as an example.....

Jem McDowall more than 3 years ago


That's accurate and a helpful observation Jem. Sales volume of black tea overall is growing globally with China contributing to an already bountiful supply from India, Sri Lanka and Kenya. On reflection it is more accurate to say that in developed markets including the US and UK a combination of affluence, a preference for better tasting tea and the availability and popularity of botanicals (fruit, spice, functional blends) have eroded market share long-held by commodity tea makers. Lipton, PG Tips, Red Rose, Salada are all examples of traditional (commodity) brands where margins are tightening and discounting is ever-present in supermarkets and hypermarkets. Good quality black tea is selling very well, but volumes have not unseated commodity offerings on store shelves. That time is coming as grocers like Walmart (which recently Rainforest Certified its own tea line) recognize that selling 3-cent and 5-cent teabags makes no sense. I think it is correct to say that commodity brands, in general, have over-reached themselves in their quest for cost savings at the expense of product quality and consumer experience.

Dan Bolton more than 3 years ago

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